Tuesday 3 January 2012

A retrospective

One year ago today, this blog was started with a simple aim: to “help job-seeking chemists in the UK find either their first position as graduates, or the next step of their career.” After around 50 Jobroll posts in 2011, I’m curious whether there are any success stories to share?

While the feature is merely cherry-picking adverts from popular job boards, I’ve tended to think of it as a weekly showcase of opportunities for those that may be looking for inspiration. Failing that, I’d hope the archive at least serves as a useful resource to students considering chemistry as a degree, to illustrate the diversity of jobs that are available on graduating.

The highlight for me so far has been writing the What Do Chemistry Graduates Do posts in February (late coverage of the 2010 report) and December (a more timely response to the 2011 report). The March series on State-Sponsored Research also proved quite fun to research and write – despite the lack of jobs on offer in this sector at the moment.

As the blog moves into its second year, I’m hoping to keep to a more routine schedule – with the Jobroll being posted on Tuesday and Thursday. I’ve also got a regular feature planned looking at SMEs (small and medium enterprises). With large organisations shedding staff, it may be that these companies - with up to 250 employees - begin to increase in number and size.

If there are any features or sectors you’d like to see more of, please feel free to let me know in the comments or drop me an email.

And finally, thank you regular readers, linkers and @labmonkey4hire retweeters. Happy New Year all, and best of luck in your 2012 career!

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